Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 3 - Hinton, OK to Rosswell, NM

We woke up to another foggy morning and broke camp. Then we took the bikes for a ride to the far end of the canyon and back. It was only about 2.3 miles, but it felt great to get on the bikes again after the snowy, cold winter in MN.

Drove west in the fog for a couple hours and finally crossed into the Texas panhandle. Texas BBQ anyone?

Highlights of driving across the Texas panhandle? Dodging dead skunks and smelling feed lots. Highlights of eastern New Mexico? Long stretches of nothing except the occasional tumbleweed. We’re staying in a Hampton Inn tonight in Rosswell, NM. We plan to camp the next two nights somewhere in SW New Mexico or SE Arizona. Still need to figure that out.


  1. Westward ho the wagons!!!!!!! Did ya catch some bbq? That grill is too funny. Did ya see any strange lights? Have you started tawkin with a drawl? What tunes are you listening to? XOJO

  2. Shucks, ma'am, no bbq yet, but lots of Mexican fare. We were real disappointed in Roswell - NO ALIEN SITINGS!!!

    The ipod is on shuffle most of the time, so it's quite the mix of tunes.
