Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 7 - Tucson

After a pre-breakfast of grapefruit from their tree, Jill and Ray took us out to Beyond Bread for brunch. This was about 150 yards from where Representative Giffords was shot a while back. There are no flowers left at the mall, but it was quite sobering to see the actual site.

Later we went up "A" mountain to get a good view of the valley. Then we went to see St. Xavier del Bac Mission. This is on a reservation near the SW part of the city. Quite an interesting place. Jill said that it is a much-photographed spot. We shared a piece of fry bread from a vendor on the plaza. Yum!

Ray drove us past the Pima Air Museum and then past an area where older Air Force planes are mothballed for future use. There are probably thousands of planes there that supposedly can be readied for use quickly. Ray said that they are often sold to third world countries.

Took the scenic route back to their home in NW Tucson for a late lunch and we are all relaxing for the rest of the afternoon. We'll be going out later to one of their favorite Mexican restaurants. Tomorrow morning we'll leave for the last drive to Encinitas.

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