Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Days 12 and 13 - First Visitors

Our friends Bob and Ilona arrived yesterday. They are our friends from the Northern Lights Sailing Club in Minneapolis. They've actually been away from Mpls since Dec. 18 and spent most of that time in CA with a week in Hawaii. Now they're going to stay with us a few nights before starting the drive home. Ah....retirement....

We took our bikes into Encinitas and rode south along the coast for a bit. Then we came back here to have a nice pasta and salad dinner.

Today we took the Coaster train to the Old Town San Diego station. We had our bikes with us and rode from the station to Mission Beach and had a nice lunch at the beach. We saw a lot of water birds along the river (black-necked stilt, American avocet, cinnamon teal, great-blue heron, snowy egret, coots, green-winged teal, etc.) Very fun! Our ride back to the station was a bit hectic as the bike route map was not really detailed enough. In one place it showed two trails intersecting, but one of them was on a bridge 40' above us! We made it back in one piece, but it was a bit hairy at times. I think we'll skip biking tomorrow....

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