Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Saga Continues

Yesterday was kind of a gloomy day with clouds and drizzle, temps in the low 50s. We did some errands in the morning and our friends Janey and Ade, who live in San Diego, came to visit in the afternoon. We had some nice conversation and showed them around our place. We went out to dinner with them in the evening at the Carlsbad Beach Grill. Really good fish tacos!

Today we started out as usual. Lyn went for a long beach walk and I went for a long bike ride. Boy, it's nice to be able to get out and do those things.

In the afternoon we decided to go for a drive north to Dana Point. We visited the marina there; wow, what a lot of boats! Must be a couple thousand. We continued our drive up to Laguna Beach, where Lyn's sister Diane and her husband Rick used to live back in the 80s. Got back home right around sunset. Another nice day...

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