Sunday, March 27, 2011


We arrived at Rick and Di's home in Denver late Friday afternoon. Since then we've been having a ball! They are such great hosts; we love staying with them. Friday night we all went out to dinner with their friends John and Deborah, who will be moving soon to New Orleans. They are both architects and John has started a new job there as project manager of a huge project to rebuild about 140 schools in the city. So they sold their beautiful home in Denver and will be moving in just a couple of weeks. They found a temporary rental in NO until they find a house to buy. Rick and Di will miss them a lot. Saturday was a free day for everyone. After a leisurely start, we did our own things. Lyn and Di went shopping for Lyn's summer wardrobe. It was a great success. Lou went for a 40-mile bike ride (big surprise!) and loved the trails in Denver. It's a great biking city. Rick tried to relax, but he had some of his work projects to check up on. He was also preparing an Indian curry dish for us for dinner. Rick loves to cook and is very good at it. The curry was very hot, but delicious, and we finished it all. Sunday started with Rick not feeling well, so he had to skip the brunch that he organized for Lyn's cousin Donna and her husband Jeff. The rest of us managed to pick up the slack and we had a great brunch and got caught up with Donna and Jeff. We also Skyped Joanie and Johann in San Francisco so we could all talk together. It was Donna's premier on Skype and she really enjoyed it. Later in the afternoon Rick was still resting and trying to get well. Lyn and Di went shopping again (this time for some new dishes for Di), and Lou went for a 30-mile ride. It was supposed to be a yucky day today, but it ended up being quite nice. Now we're trying to decide if we will leave tomorrow morning or stay for another day to wait for a good weather window. We'll check the weather sources again tonight and in the morning and then make the decision. We'll see...

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