Friday, March 18, 2011

NAF Convention / Venice Beach

Yesterday we drove to Los Angeles to attend the National Ataxia Foundation's annual meeting at the Airport Hilton Hotel. We've been having a very good time meeting people and promoting and selling Dave's memoir. (see There are a lot of very nice people here. Most of them either have a form of Ataxia or are related to someone who has it, but we've met a number of individuals who are here to help, either in a medical profession or just because they care. It's a really good group.
I took some time this morning for a bike ride from the hotel to Venice Beach. The traffic really wasn't too bad and a lot of the ride was along the ocean and around Marina del Ray on a very nice boardwalk. Venice Beach is quite an interesting place. It's very funky and hippie-ish. Two stores next to each other: Botox on the Beach and a medical marijuana place. Lots of souvenir shops, head shops, food stands, and strange people. While Mission Beach in San Diego was kind of upscale, Venice Beach is not.
After the afternoon sessions at the conference, I took Lyn to see Venice Beach. We drove over and parked the car near the beach. Then we took a short walk so she could get the feel of the place. Afterwards, we had dinner at Tony P's Dock Grill at Marina del Ray. We had a window seat overlooking the boats in the harbor. Good food and atmosphere.

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