Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Harbor Tour

Today was one of the warmest days since we've been here (mid-70s) so we decided to do the San Diego Bay harbor tour. This was a two-hour tour and was quite interesting. I didn't know there were so many Navy ships stationed here. It was pretty cool seeing all the different types, but there were no aircraft carriers except the Midway, which is a museum.

We saw lots of sea lions in one place where they unload bait fish, I think. There must have been about a hundred of them lounging on some floating docks. I guess that keeps them off of people's boats, which is a problem in some places in California.
After the tour we walked around the harbor a bit. Here is Lyn looking just like the figurehead on HMS Surprise, which was used in the making of "Master and Commander" starring Russell Crowe. (You have to imagine the sword in her hand.)

We ended the day with a very nice sunset viewing near the beach.

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