Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sandhill Cranes and Home

We left Kearney this morning in light fog, but we could see lots of cranes in the fields. We must have seen 2000-3000 cranes! At first they were just in small flocks of a few to a few dozen. Then we saw some bigger flocks that must have been a hundred or more. Finally, near Grand Island, we saw one huge flock that easily was over a thousand cranes! It was pretty amazing. The news in Kearney was reporting last night that one Whooping Crane (only a few hundred exist) was seen in the area. If we do this trip again at this time of year, we'll have to plan to stay a day or two in Kearney to do some bird watching. The rest of the drive home was long, but the roads were decent and the traffic mostly light. We arrived home at about 6 pm. We had a great time on our trip, but it's nice to be home again. Now we get to start thinking about the upcoming sailing season.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of Even Cowgirls Get the Blues. Sissy Hankshaw, big thumbs and whooping cranes.
